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U-BAC Scholarships

The main objective of the U-BAC Scholarships programme is to promote social advancement through education, thus making it possible for talented young people from Barcelona’s “high complexity schools," to attend university. Through this program, we promote equal opportunities, ensuring that individuals from vulnerable backgrounds can gain access to high-skill employment.

U-BAC scholarships offer financial support to cover all four years of a university degree. This includes tuition fees, transportation costs, teaching materials (including the co-payment of a computer, subject to the student's good grades) and English classes. Additionally, U-BAC scholars benefit from continuous and personalised academic and emotional support from our programme coordinator.

Lines of work
  • Academic Support
    Students who are granted a U-BAC scholarship will receive comprehensive academic support to ensure that their academic performance is satisfactory and that they develop the skills and confidence necessary to achieve success in their future career. This involves the continuous and personalised monitoring of each student by the BAC team as well as unwavering support from a mentor specialised in their field of study. In their final year, students will work with a job coach prepare for the experience of entering the workplace.
  • Psychological and Emotional Care
    No comprehensive support system would be complete without emotional support. For this reason, we work to create support spaces through specialists, workshops and listening circles to help students learn how to manage and express any emotional challenges they might encounter during their university experience.
  • Financial Support
    U-BAC scholarships offer students financial aid to ensure that they can overcome any cost-related barriers that might prevent them from not only accessing university but also completing their entire undergraduate degree. The scholarship not only covers tuition fees, but also extends to other education-related expenses such as transport, school supplies and English classes. All of this combined allows students to focus on their studies and ultimately increases their chances of success at university.




Economic Sustainability

This project is possible through the support of Institut Integratiu GRAAS


Les Beques U-BAC, a RAC1!

La Yasmine Ribalta, una de les 18 alumnes que han rebut aquest curs 2018-2019 la beca U-BAC, explica la seva trajectoria i la seva experiència respecte la beca al progràma de RAC1 Islàndia, conduït per l'Albert Om, i que s'emet cada vespre de 19 a 20.30h!

Durant l'entrevista, la Yasmine explica com va ser el seu trànsit de l'Institut, el IES Besòs, cap a la universitat, i com la oportunitat que va tenir al rebre la beca de BarcelonActua li va permetre poder-se pagar el cost dels seus estudis de Publicitat i Relacions Públiques, cosa que no hagués pogut fer en cas de no rebre aquesta beca. Un bonic exemple de com les Beques U-BAC cerquen persones amb talent però amb situacions econòmicament vulnerables per a donar-lis la oportunitat d'entrar a la universitat i reactivar un ascensor social que avui en dia es troba averiat al nostre país